Good Afternoon from RSU 56. Out of an abundance of caution (and mixed forecasts), all RSU 56 after school activities are cancelled today, Tuesday, November 26, 2024. The RSU 56 Board agenda items will be brought forward to the December 10, 2024 board meeting. Safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving!
3 months ago, RSU56 Updates
We want to wish all of our families an enjoyable Thanksgiving break. When we return on Monday, we will start our second trimester.
3 months ago, Lisa Sanborn
Thanksgiving Break
Attention TWKDMS Families - We are again participating in Dixfield Discount Fuel's "Winter Want and Wear"! Our students (or parents for our students) can submit an application to request one item they want and one article of clothing that they need. Applications are DUE on Tuesday, November 26, 2024, and recipients will find out if they have been selected before December 9, 2024. See the link below for the application:
3 months ago, Jason Long
Attention Families and Community: Our drill has ended and we are back to class as normal. Thank you to the Oxford Country Sherriff Office for the support. Go Cougars!
3 months ago, Jason Long
Attention Community and Parents/Guardians: Later this morning TWKDMS will have a DRILL to practice evacuating off school grounds following our procedures. Law enforcement will be present to observe the process. This is not a "scenario" or anything like that it is just an evacuation drill. The students already know we are having this drill. It should take only 15 minutes. and then we will return to classes as normal.
3 months ago, Jason Long
Today T W Kelly Dirigo Middle School celebrated our veterans with our third annual Veteran's Day Luncheon and Assembly. It was a full school effort! Our life skills students and others had prepared table centerpieces, the Student Council served the meal prepared by our amazing Nutrition Department. Thank you to our PTO for financing the event. We had 25+ veteran guests this year, including three wonderful ladies from the American Legion Auxiliary. After the turkey dinner (with ice cream sundaes), our students were treated to patriotic performances by our combined choir and a small band ensemble, a POW/MIA ceremony, and a panel discussion with 10 of our veteran guests answering questions submitted by 6th graders. Thank you for your service! And as always, Go Cougars!
3 months ago, Jason Long
As our fall seasons head into the playoffs, here are some upcoming winter season dates you may want on your calendar for both Middle School and High School. Please also note that the Fall DHS Banquet will be held at 5:30pm on Wednesday November 13th.
3 months ago, RSU56 Updates
sports schedule update
Attention TWKDMS Community: TWKDMS students may invite Veterans (family or friends) to the third annual Middle School Veterans Luncheon at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, November 8, 2024. There will be a school assembly following the meal where we will educate our students and honor our guests. Students can get an invitation and RSVP form from the office, or folks can sign up using the online form. The deadline to RSVP is Friday, November 1, 2024. This free meal is a full Thanksgiving-style spread prepared by our RSU 56 Nutrition Department. We want to honor those who have served (and are serving) and use this opportunity to educate our students about the incredible service and sacrifice made by the men and women of the U.S. Military. You have truly given us something to be thankful for: our freedom! This is the third time that TWKDMS has hosted a Veteran’s luncheon, and we are looking for sponsors. If you or your business is willing to help financially sponsor this event, please call Mr. Long at 562-7552.
4 months ago, Jason Long
Dance Update: The Friday night Halloween-themed dance at TWKDMS overlaps with a home football game at the high school. Students and Parents need to understand: Doors open for our dance at 6:30, and we will NOT allow students to leave early without contact from a parent/guardian. Also, we lock the doors and do not allow late admittance after 7:00. This will be enforced without exception. Go Cougars!
4 months ago, Jason Long
RSU 56 board meeting 10/22/2024 is now live on YouTube:
4 months ago, RSU 56 Updates
Here are the theme days for our upcoming spirit week!
4 months ago, Lisa Sanborn
Spirit Week
Students in grades K-12 are invited to audition on Monday, October 28, 2024 from 3:00 - 5:00 at Dirigo High School. The Missoula Children’s Theater staff will select 50-60 of our students to perform in the play. Rehearsals will be each night, Monday-Friday, from 3:00 - 7:15. Performances will be on Friday, November 1 at 6:30 and Saturday, November 2 at 1:00. Permission slips will be sent home with students this week. Please return them to your student’s school if your child is interested in auditioning. (Or show up with your student with the form in hand Monday, October 28, 2024 at Dirigo High School for the 3:00 audition.)
4 months ago, RSU56 Updates
The Student Council is hosting a Halloween Dance this Friday (10/25/24) from 6:30 pm until 9:00 pm (no entry after 7:00 pm). Students must be academically eligible to attend and cannot be absent or tardy on the day of the dance. The cost for admittance is $3 and there will be refreshments for sale as well. Students may wear costumes, however, there can be no face paint and costumes must be school-appropriate.
4 months ago, Jason Long
The Maine chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Maine) will be at TWKDMS next Wednesday (10/23/24) from 4:30-6:00 pm for a special parent/guardian and community discussion about mental health. The event is free to attend, and we hope to see people there. See the information below. Go Cougars!
4 months ago, Jason Long
Click the link below to reach the website to set up conferences. Once there, click on the teacher(s) you want to meet with. This brings you to that teacher’s calendar page. Select the date that you want (10/29 or 11/7, they are highlighted in blue). Select a time slot and fill out the form that pops up, or email the teacher if no time slots remain. You will receive a confirmation email and reminder email for each appointment, and you must keep track of your times. Repeat for other teachers. Call the school at 562-7552 if you need help signing up or to make changes. The Book Fair will be open 4:00-7:00 on 10/29. Here is the link:
4 months ago, Jason Long
Attention Parents/Guardians: Parent/Teacher Conference (PTC) sign-ups will start ONLINE at 7:00 AM on Friday, October 18, 2024 (this coming Friday morning). Sign-ups are first-come, first-served; TWKDMS teachers have between 60 and 100 students each, but there are only 24 slots available over the two nights for each teacher. The conference nights will be Tuesday, October 29, 2024, from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm, and Thursday, November 7, 2024, from 3:00 pm until 6:00 pm. The Scholastic Book Fair will also be open during the first conference night. We are holding our PTCs a little earlier this year based on feedback that earlier is better in the eyes of many parents/guardians. More information will be posted on the school website and Facebook Page (and emailed to all students) on Friday. Anyone needing help to complete the online scheduling may call the school for assistance at 562-7552 starting at 7:00 am on Friday when the scheduling opens. Go Cougars!
4 months ago, Jason Long
RSU 56 Job Opening: Dirigo High School - Nutrition Worker. 4-Hours / Day. Please submit an application or a letter of interest to : Lisa Sanborn - or (207)562-7552.
4 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Job Posting
REGIONAL SCHOOL UNIT NO. 56 – OPENINGS RSU 56 is in immediate and dire need of the following posted positions. Please share far and wide. District Wide Van Aide (6 hours/day. 7:00 - 10:00, 1:30 - 4:30) Van Driver (4 hours/day, 7:00 - 9:00, 1:30 - 3:30) To secure and submit an application or letter of interest, please contact Lisa Sanborn (207) 562-7552 Posted October 13, 2024
4 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Good Evening from RSU 56, This is just a reminder that there will be no school for students on Friday, October 11th as we have a teachers workshop day in RSU 56, and also Monday, October 14th is Indigenous Peoples' Day. Enjoy the long weekend and we will see you back in school on Tuesday, October 15th.
4 months ago, RSU56 Updates
teacher workshop
Mimi's Place on Weld Street is helping RSU 56 celebrate National Custodian Appreciation Day by generously donating gift cards for every custodian! We at RSU 56 have some AMAZING custodians! Our buildings and grounds are the envy of every visitor, and their hard work is the backbone of Dirigo Pride. At TWKDMS, Bob, Rob, Scott, Dana, and Katrina (in the summer) are total rock stars. We are truly blessed by our crew. Thank you, and Go Cougars!
4 months ago, Jason Long