Our DES assembly is now live on YouTube 11/30/2023 https://www.youtube.com/live/gkdDwyy-tHA?feature=shared
8 months ago, Jared Hodgkins
RSU 56 Board Meeting - November 14th, 2023 https://www.youtube.com/live/xo_tKitiBCQ?feature=shared
9 months ago, RSU 56 Updates
Dear Champions of Education, In light of the tragic shootings in Lewiston, the Maine Department of Education (DOE) has pulled together some initial resources for talking to children about violence and shootings and supporting one another. The Maine DOE will be providing additional resources as we learn more. Talking to Children Provide a short statement of fact: Violence took place in our community and many people were hurt. Students are safe here. You are safe. There are people here who can help you. Early elementary school children need brief, simple information that should be balanced with reassurances that their school and homes are safe and that adults are there to protect them. Give simple examples of school safety like reminding children about exterior doors being locked, child monitoring efforts on the playground, and emergency drills practiced during the school day. Upper elementary and early middle school children will be more vocal in asking questions about whether they truly are safe and what is being done at their school. They may need assistance processing the incident. Discuss efforts of school and community leaders to ensure their safety. Upper middle school and high school students will have strong and varying opinions about the causes of violence in society. They will share concrete suggestions about how to prevent tragedies in society. Emphasize the role that students have in maintaining safe communities and schools, communicating any personal safety concerns to school administrators and parents/guardians, and accessing support for emotional needs. Mental Health First Aid Monitor and assess impact: Students and colleagues will be affected in different ways. We do not know how this event has affected people – directly and/or indirectly. Continue to assess impact of the event on those around you. Be mindful of self-regulation to assist youth in maintaining a level of safety and connection. If you are an educator in need of additional support, The FrontLine WarmLine is also available from 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week by calling 207-221-8196 or texting 898-211. If you or someone you know is in crisis, call 988. More Resources: https://mailchi.mp/maine/cu5lemq6y0-1326812?e=7089ed9b06
9 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Our schools will be closed in RSU 56 today, Thursday, October 26 due to the tragedy in Lewiston. We realize that some in our RSU 56 community have loved ones affected by this horrible event, including first responders and those caring for the injured. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
9 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Good Evening! Tonight's School board meeting is being live streamed tonight at 6:30pm - https://www.youtube.com/live/Mhjf0CacXuY?si=xhraPdhqgY07EklU
9 months ago, RSU56 Updates
Do you (or someone you know) have unstable housing? Is your housing unstable? Check out this video for critical information about how your local school can help! https://youtu.be/Pm07O7aEGUs?si=xI55ncfCakhhBk0E
9 months ago, RSU56 Updates
hi maine families
Here is the link to tonights RSU56 School Board meeting: https://www.youtube.com/live/KtoiNwG5Jmk?feature=shared
10 months ago, RSU 56 Updates
10 months ago, Jared Hodgkins
11 months ago, RSU 56 Updates
Dirigo Elementary School = Attention Grade 3 Parents & Guardians, the field trip to the Oxford Fair Education Day tomorrow 9/13/23 has been cancelled. This is due to the expected heavy rain. Students should plan to come to school at the regular Wednesday time.
11 months ago, RSU56 Updates
RSU 56 Board Meeting - June 13th, 2023 https://www.youtube.com/live/CLHS7Z9hIPY?feature=share
about 1 year ago, Jared Hodgkins
Good Morning! We are currently experiencing an outage for our Phone provider, so our incoming phone lines are not working. If you need to get a message to us, you can email the following people: Central Office: tcox@rsu56.org Dirigo High School: acalden@rsu56.org Dirigo Middle School: lsanborn@rsu56.org Dirigo Elementary School: paverill@rsu56.org
about 1 year ago, RSU56 Updates
Here is the link for the DHS Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2023. The ceremony starts at 6PM and the link will go live around 5:30pm. https://youtube.com/live/eNdYvcUIJuY?feature=share
about 1 year ago, RSU 56 Updates
2023 DHS Final Assembly Photo Gallery: https://photos.app.goo.gl/d46G4baijW5cARWY8
about 1 year ago, RSU56 Updates
2023 Candlelight Photo Gallery: https://photos.app.goo.gl/zBtWRLW6CQRwFT749
about 1 year ago, RSU56 Updates
Good Morning - The Class of 2023 Final Assembly will start at 11:45 today, and the live stream will be live around 11:30am. https://youtube.com/live/_hZ3ozUnOTs?feature=share
about 1 year ago, RSU56 Updates
The Class of 2023 Candlelight Ceremony will be live streamed tonight on Youtube at the following address. The event starts at 7:30 and the link will be live around 7PM. https://youtube.com/live/83EWwnQVro4?feature=share
about 1 year ago, RSU56 Updates
Our Speech and Debate team left this morning to head to Kentucky to participate in the National Tournament! Best of luck, and GO COUGARS!
about 1 year ago, RSU56 Updates
rsu56 van
about 1 year ago, Jared Hodgkins
Meeting Reminder: The Annual RSU 56 Budget Meeting is on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at 6:30 pm. The budget documents can be found on our website at the following address: https://www.rsu56.org/page/budget-23-24
about 1 year ago, RSU56 Updates