RSU 56 Curriculum Resources

As defined in Maine Department of Education rules, “curriculum” means RSU 56’s written document that sets forth the learning expectations for all students for all content areas of Maine’s system of Standards, as well as for other content areas as specified by the Board. RSU 56's full Curriculum Development and Adoption Policy (IGA) is available here.

To be awarded a high school diploma from the RSU 56 schools, students graduating in the classes of 2021 and beyond must demonstrate proficiency in the content areas identified in Maine’s system of Learning Results, meet the cross-content performance standards set forth in the Guiding Principles of the Learning Results, and fulfill all additional requirements set by the Board. RSU 56's full Graduation Requirements Policy is available here.

The chart below documents the standards (known as Benchmark Standards PreK-8 and Graduation Benchmark Standards 9-12) used to form the learning expectations for all students in RSU 56. These standards address all eight content areas of Maine's system of Standards: English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics (MATH), Science & Engineering (SCI), Social Studies (SS), World Language (WL), Visual & Performing Arts (VPA), Life & Career Readiness (LCR), and Physical Education & Health Education (PE/H). Links to district-adopted programs and resources as well as links to the full State of Maine adopted content area standards documents are included within each grade span's content page. 

Basic course syllabi for all classes offered 6-12 are available by clicking the grade span links below (for example, 6-8 for middle school classes and 9-12 for high school classes). Additional and more detailed information is available for parents and guardians in the Google Classrooms hosted for those courses.