Dirigo High School


Student Cell Phone Guidelines

In accordance with RSU 56 School Board Policy JICJ, students will not be allowed to use their cell phones or other privately owned electronic devices during the school day.  Cell phones should be silenced and away during scheduled class times including learning labs, Cougar Paw Activity Period, and RTI periods. Students may use their cell phones during lunch and passing periods.  At their discretion, teachers may give permission for students to use cell phones for specific educational, emergency, or health related purposes.

Teachers will develop guidelines for violations of the cell phone policy in their classroom that may include:

  • Asking students to put cell phones away

  • Asking students to put cell phones in a designated area (for example a basket, hanging organizer, or on a desk)

  • Sending students to the office with their cell phones

Cell phone violations that are sent to the office will result in:

  • First Offense- Review of the cell phone policy with administrator.  Cell phone will be housed in office for the remainder of the day. Student may pick up their cell phone at the end of the day.

  • Second Offense- Cell phone will be housed in the office for the remainder of the day.  Student may pick up their cell phone at the end of the day. Parent will be contacted.

  • Third Offense- Cell phone will be housed in the office for the remainder of the day.  Parent will be contacted. Detention will be issued.  

Parents and guardians, please help us to encourage students to focus on their schoolwork during the day by avoiding calling or texting them during class.  If you need to contact your student during the school day, please call the DHS main office at 562-4251.